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Project Antarctica – Land for All was designed with the support of Brazil’s Navy, which embraced the idea of documenting the country’s presence in Antarctica. The pilot project was released in 2018, the year of the first voyage, with the additional support of PROANTAR, the Brazilian Air Force, and the Diario de Pernambuco newsgroup.




After the bureaucratic stages were through, the Project was approved by the Brazilian Culture Ministry’s Law to Encourage Cultural Investments (Lei de Incentivo à Cultura/Ministry of Culture), and around 50% of the authorized investment has been captured using an important partnership with Petrobras, the Brazilian oil corporation.

The second voyage took place in 2022, again with Brazil’s Navy and, to conclude the gathering of images, the third one was in 2023, at the invitation of Swan Hellenic, one of the largest international tourism operators, to get to know a little more about Antarctica as a destination.


Still, as a result of the project, we have contemplated, as a Cultural Formative Action, a lecture on the topic “Creative Development Stages of an Audiovisual Product in the Web Series Format” for students and teachers in public schools. We have also partnered with the United Nations News in New York to produce content for the organization, which has already been published on the UN’s official web pages.

Brasileira Patrícia Azevedo relata experiência e desafios na Antártida

No novo episódio do Podcast ONU News, a jornalista Patrícia Azevedo compartilha suas experiências e desafios na Antártida. Ela, que explorou o continente gelado para destacar os impactos das mudanças climáticas, fala sobre a sua jornada de Recife, no calor do nordeste brasileiro, ao extremo frio.

ONU vai celebrar Ano Internacional de Preservação de Glaciares em 2025

Proteção de massas de gelo será tema das comemorações; reunião paralela à Conferência da Água nas Nações Unidas teve alerta de secretário-geral sobre efeitos catastróficos se tendência de degelo prosseguir.

Destaque ONU News: Dia Mundial da Doença de Chagas, OIT no Brasil e aquecimento global

No Destaque ONU News desta sexta-feira, confira a campanha da OMS para o Dia Mundial da Doença de Chagas, celebrado em 14 de abril. Veja também o depoimento do chefe do Escritório da Organização Internacional do Trabalho no Brasil sobre a atuação do país na criação de uma agenda por justiça social. No final, a documentarista Patricia Azevedo manda um recado diretamente da Antártida. Apresentação de Mayra Lopes.

Today, we search for investors to complement the total amount of the project in the shape of direct investment or, as authorized by law, using Income Tax.

Be a partner of Antarctica – Land for All.







